Real-time Retrieval for Instant Model Fine tuning., Low Computational Cost., Less Resource Consumption., Lower Response Latency.

Exthalpy make tuning and training AI models accessible to everyone – no additional costs, no additional training time. 


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Read our Research

Real-time Retrieval Argumentation for Large Language Models

This is the first paper that laid the foundation of HRT models. Introduced an open-source library to connect LLMs with real-time internet.

Hybrid Retrieval Transformers - Efficient Small Language Model

Proposed Hybrid Retrieval Transformers – a decentralised model architecture that is a hyper efficient alternate of current LLMs.

Hyperparameter control over HRTs with the Exthalpy variable.

Introducing the Exthalpy variable – the most straight-forward way to tune your model’s performance and responses both technically and mathematically.

There might be a few limitations for achieving singularity. But storage won't be one of them.

Zero Recurring Storage Charges

Zero Tuning & Training Time

Zero Additional Tuning Charges

Truly Server-less And Decentralised

Always Real-Time And Updated

Embeds 2 million+ unique characters

Use Cases

Live Customer Support with real-time knowledge

Enhance chatbot systems to retrieve real-time information and provide accurate responses to customer inquiries.

Real-time product and content recommendation system

Offer personalized recommendations for articles, blogs, and other content based on user interests and real-time data.

Niched market intelligence models

Build a search engine that leverages real-time data retrieval and semantic search capabilities to provide more accurate and contextually relevant search results.

What makes Exthalpy different?

Distributed computing

Crafted for your needs, our solutions are tailored, ensuring precise alignment 

Latency-free retrieval

Crafted for your needs, our solutions are tailored, ensuring precise alignment 


We lead with cutting-edge tech, optimizing processes for efficiency, 


Detailed reports offer a holistic view, empowering informed decision-making 

No commitments

Navigate complexity with our seasoned professionals, receiving expert advice

Navigate complexity with our seasoned professionals, receiving expert advice

Client education

Providing clients with educational resources and support.

Comprehensive reporting

Offering clients detailed performance reports and other financial data

Serverless vector database for complete decentralisation.

Exthalpy focuses on real-time local embeddings using retrieval-first semantic searches that our team developed in-house. This means, your embedding database is real-time & local. Also, you don’t pay any recurring charges.

Zero-latency retrieval architecture

We developed HyperRetrieval – a state-fo-the-art zero latency retrieval algorithm that crawls, scrapes and summarises real-time data to power the model.

Costs 85% less than top LLMs

Hybrid Retrieval Transformers are training-independent. This means, you save all your model training & tuning cost. it uses fine-tuning to optimise more cost further.

Use Cases
For Enterprises

Real-time enterprise knowledge management

Implement internal knowledge management system that retrieves and synthesises data from repositories, emails, docs, & databases.

Seamless product management with real-time analysis

Gather and synthesize real-time market research data, customer feedback, etc. to inform product development.

A better way to interact with your customers

Build an AI model for your CRM systems to provide real-time insights on customer interactions, feedback, and market trends.

We offer a 1:1 enterprise-first experience to our clients.

24x7 Live Support

24x7 Live Support

Our support lines are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with a lightening-fast response time of <30 minutes.

Dedicated Support Staff

Dedicated Support Staff

All our clients receives enterprise-level support by allotting dedicated technical & support staff throughout their lifecycle.

Detailed Documentations

Detailed Documentations

We have made it frictionless for your devs to integrate Exthalpy into your stacks with docs, API  references, etc.

Get started today with your first 100 queries on us.

No commitments or questions if you don’t continue further.

What Our Clients Say

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our satisfied clients have to say about our financial solutions.
Paityn Dorwart

Paityn Dorwart

Founder at Agency
Thanks to our financial solution, I was able to retire comfortably and enjoy my golden years without having to worry about money.
Jaydon Bator

Jaydon Bator

CEO at Startup
"I've been a client for several years and have been extremely happy with the level of service and attention to detail provided by the team at our financial solution."
James Mango

James Mango

Founder at Agency
"I've been a client for several years and have been extremely happy with the level of service and attention to detail provided by the team at our financial solution."
Corey Korsgaard

Corey Korsgaard

CEO at Company
"I've been a client for several years and have been extremely happy with the level of service and attention to detail provided by the team at our financial solution."
Aspen George

Aspen George

Founder at Agency
"I've been a client for several years and have been extremely happy with the level of service and attention to detail provided by the team at our financial solution."
Corey Siphron

Corey Siphron

Founder at Agency
"I've been a client for several years and have been extremely happy with the level of service and attention to detail provided by the team at our financial solution."

Frequently Asked Questions About Exthalpy

Here are some common questions we receive about our Exthalpy.

Can I create my own retrieval model with Exthalpy?

Yes, you can build agents as well as models using Exthalpy for free. 

Can I use my model with API?

All Hybrid Retrieval Models comes with its own individual API set, model ID & API key. You can use it or share access with other users.

Can I custom label my API URL?

White-labelling Exthalpy API URLs is currently an invite-only option too. But you can contact our team to get priority access of this feature.

Can I use more than 1 source URL as data source?

Yes, models that you build with Exthalpy can use multiple source URLs to create embeddings and answer to queries.

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